Nikon D7200 Intraoral Photography
Set your camera once and forget it - Yes, Really!
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Nikon D7200 Intraoral Photography
In this online course you'll learn step-by-step how to set your Nikon D7200 camera and flash to get accurate exposures, accurate color and great detail in each image. Your complicated DSLR will be transformed into a ‘set it once and forget it’ point and shoot tool.
Then during a demonstration I make intraoral images and evaluate them on screen. You'll learn how to compose each image, where to focus and why, and how to easily tell if you're getting the image right in camera. You will be in control of the process not your camera. You will be able to make great dental images immediately after the course.
You can choose an option that gives you 30-days of online support. You can submit images for evaluation, ask questions, and get the help you need as you practice. You won't have to go it alone!
All with a 30-day money back guarantee! What are you waiting for?
Course Curriculum
PreviewModule 2 Introduction
StartISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture (14:27)
StartMetering Mode (3:03)
StartFocus Mode And Choosing A Focus Point (12:48)
StartSettings For Nikon (17:48)
StartHow To Format Your Memory Card (2:04)
StartSetting Image Quality - JEPG or RAW? (6:54)
StartSetting The ISO (1:18)
StartSetting The Shutter Speed And Aperture (1:20)
StartSetting The Metering Mode (1:00)
StartSetting The Focus Mode (2:01)
StartSetting The Internal Flash Commander For The Metz 15 MS-1 and Nikon 4804-R1 Flash Systems (4:21)
StartSetting Sigma EM-140 DG Flash Compensation (1:29)
StartPlayback Menu Settings (2:13)
StartPhoto Shooting Menu Settings (5:14)
StartSetting A Custom White Balance (4:02)
StartMiscellaneous Camera Settings (2:51)
Frequently Asked Questions
"Bill is an amazing resource for Dentists on the subject of Digital Photography. He has that unique ability to take a very complex subject and make it understandable! I have a direct experience of Bill's work and highly recommend him for any Dentist who wants to master digital photography."
"Bill will bring your dental photography to a higher level than you may have thought possible. If you want to get the highest quality and most consistent results from your dental photography, Bill’s courses are a must."
- Dr. Anthony Sclar DMD, Visit Sclar Oral Surgery
- Dr. Dawn Wehking DDS, Visit Complete Family Dentistry
- David Ruppert, Technical Manager C&B, Visit Peebles Prosthetics
-Walter Fain DDS, Visit Dr. Walter Fain DDS
Your Instructor
When I started teaching dental photography in 2013 I quickly realized there was a need for three important things.
First, selecting a camera system was so difficult it had become a barrier to entry. There were just too many choices and everyone recommended something different. The choices had to be narrowed to those that made the job simple with a fast return on investment.
Second, finding a combination of settings to provide consistent, predictable, results and great image detail seemed impossible to find. Dental photography instruction was being provided by well-meaning enthusiasts instead of professionals. Camera settings had to make the job easy no matter who makes the images.
Finally, learning how to leverage dental images to increase treatment acceptance wasn't always included in the training. Dentists needed a resource to help them use their images to get their patient to 'yes.'
My Dental Photography Made Easy website was designed to provide solutions to those three things.
I teach intraoral photography and dental portraiture to dental labs and practices around the world. My workflow is simple, easy, and created for the non-photographer. I know how your camera works and I will guide you step-by-step through a set-it-once and forget it process that will transform your camera from a source of frustration into a useful tool. You'll get in-focus, properly-exposed, color-accurate images each and every time.